<p>As Bo Butters sees it, the coronavirus pandemic has altered M&A for the foreseeable future.</p>
<p>“I think you’re going to get a lot more scrutiny on targets’ capital structure, targets’ earnings and underlying financials, because investors are going to be more leery,” the principal at CLA told the new <strong>Smart Business Dealmakers podcast</strong>. “This shutdown introduces a whole different line of thinking to investors of, ‘If I own something, how would it react in a shutdown.’ It’s just a whole other scenario of how healthy is a business.”</p>
<p>But there is still a massive amount of dry powder on the sidelines. And Bo expects there will be operators who are unwilling to untangle their businesses from the mess caused by the pandemic, creating opportunities for buyers.</p>
<p>“There are going to be some distressed businesses and I think the multiples can drop just because there’s going to be more supply of people looking to sell.”</p>
<p><strong>Listen to the podcast</strong></p>
<p><iframe style="border: none;" src="//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/14122847/height/360/theme/legacy/thumbnail/yes/direction/backward/" height="360" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" oallowfullscreen="" msallowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>

Leery investors = More Scrutiny
By Adam Burroughs on April 24, 2020