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March 6, 2025

How Lowering Health Insurance Costs Can Increase Value At Sale

By Adam Burroughs

Roundstone Founder and President Mike Schroeder on the self funding model insurance, as well as its impact on an M&A transaction.

August 8, 2024

Getting The Real Story In A Family Business Deal

Pine Street Capital Partners’ Timothy Welles on some of the challenges with buying family businesses.

July 11, 2024

Buyer Insights Offer Sellers Tips On Deal Prep

Renovus Capital Partner's Atif Gilani offers insight into how they choose their investment targets and how sellers can make their company more attractive to buyers.

April 4, 2024

The Rising Importance Of People In Driving Business Value In A Deal

SolomonEdwardsGroup's Laura Kellers Queen on the rising importance of people in driving business value in a deal.

December 16, 2022

The Importance To Buyers Of High Probability Of Close

Mereo Capital Partners Co-Founder Leo Helmers on the indicators of a high probability to close and why those matter to buyers.

December 1, 2022

Michael Schreiber On Launching Playfly Sports

Playfly Sports Founder and CEO Michael Schreiber on launching Playfly, making acquisitions as well as advice for those leading disruptive forces into the market.

October 21, 2022

Refine Your Growth Strategy

Wolf Organization's Joe Person, Guardian Capital Partners' Peter Haabestad, RKL's Bryan Redding and JPMorgan Chase's Lisa Kopff, share their keys to developing and unlocking an acquisition plan that works.

May 6, 2022

Airline Hydraulics Corp. stays in its acquisitional lane

Airline Hydraulics Corp.'s Mark Steffens talks about the company's acquisition strategy.

May 21, 2021

Joe Mirabile adds acquisitions to United Safety & Survivability Corp.’s strategy

Joe Mirabile sees acquisitions as accelerators for the growing United Safety & Survivability Corp.

March 25, 2021

How Stephen Kindler accelerated his company’s growth through a PE partner

Stephen Kindler, president and CEO of National Fitness Partners, on choosing a PE partner and his and its adaptation to life with a PE boss.

January 15, 2021

United BioSource's Patrick Lindsay focuses on the interests of ownership in an M&A process

Patrick Lindsay, CEO of United BioSource, offers insight into the company’s M&A history, as well as its approach to the M&A process.

July 9, 2020

NewSpring Capital’s Adam VeVerka says despite pandemic, good deals will find a home

NewSpring Capital's Adam VeVerka talks about the state of dealmaking and what has buyers’ attention as they look for opportunities.

June 11, 2020

Barley Snyder’s Paul Mattaini on fed-up sellers and cautious buyers

Barley Snyder's Paul Mattaini offers his view of the state of dealmaking — both from the sell side and buy side — and his sense of what M&A will look like in the short term.

May 15, 2020

iPipeline’s CEO Larry Berran sees M&A opportunity, but also caution

iPipeline CEO Larry Berran offers his take on M&A in a market covered by a fog of uncertainty and how being a portfolio company has affected his company's approach to dealmaking.

March 5, 2020

PeopleShare co-founder Ryan Clark on acquisitions, lessons learned

When PeopleShare, through organic growth, hit a comfortable revenue number, CEO Ryan Clark began to wonder how big the staffing firm could get. That’s when acquisition, and a private equity recapitalization, became real and viable options.

January 9, 2020

Baker Tilly’s Fred Massanova on not getting derailed by deal pace

Faster deal pace has led to shorter diligence processes at a time when that process has become more demanding. Baker Tilly's Fred Massanova offers a some advice for staying on track when buying a business.

December 11, 2019

Jonathan Meltzer on leadership as a deal cornerstone

Here's some of what Jonathan Meltzer looks for in a buy-side opportunity to assure him he’s making the right investment.

November 26, 2019

Hildred Capital Partners’ Andrew Goldman on creating connections and culture’s effect on deal price

Hildred Capital Partners' Andrew Goldman says investors and operators bring different experiences and perspectives to a relationship. And when the two come together and share their experiences through a productive dialogue, everyone benefits.

November 14, 2019

Joseph D. Culley Jr. says post transaction, the clock is ticking on culture

Janney Montgomery Scott’s Joseph D. Culley Jr. says after a merger, companies need to quickly win on culture, otherwise your returns will suffer as people start to walk.

August 16, 2019

Buying a business? Better have a plan

Companies preparing themselves for their first acquisition might appreciate Don Caldwell’s advice: “The plan comes first.”

July 12, 2019

Analytics, Not Your Gut, Are Best Judge Of Management

To figure out who’s the right fit for post-acquisition management, Tim Kardish relies not on gut instinct, but contemporary tools designed to assess the skillset, expertise and adaptability of the leadership team.