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January 31, 2025
Matt Liotta on Navigating The Skies of Innovation
By SBN Staff
Dive into serial entrepreneur Matt Liotta’s experience navigating mergers, acquisitions and public offerings with multiple companies.
November 4, 2022
Chain.io Investing in Supply Chain Platform Partnerships
As supply chain issues continue to wreak havoc for businesses both large and small, Chain.io Founder and CEO Brian Glick hopes to alleviate the problems with its cloud-based integration platform, which lets all the different entities in the chain share data between all their systems.
October 7, 2022
From funder to fundraiser
MOBILion's Dr. Melissa Sherman on growing the company and how she's adapted to the fundraising process.
April 14, 2022
Tim Wallace On Making Raising Capital Part of The Job
Tim Wallace talks about his vast experience founding companies and growing them into wildly successful businesses.
March 23, 2022
Gerri Henwood on public vs private funding
Serial entrepreneur Gerri Henwood talks about her entrepreneurial experience as well as the differences — the pros and cons — of public and private funding.
December 2, 2021
How Chris Molaro launched NeuroFlow
NeuroFlow co-founder Chris Molaro on changing the way mental health care is delivered, his most recent M&A deal, and the company’s future.
November 5, 2021
Addressing the structural barriers facing minority owned businesses
Della Clark, CEO of The Enterprise Center, talks about ways to create better access to capital for minority entrepreneurs and her newest project, an SBIC fund aimed at mature minority owned companies.
April 17, 2020
Daniel J. Hayes talks tempering expectations in life sciences capital raises
Tips from CLA's Dan Hayes on how life sciences founders can navigate some of the critical business steps that help them take their science to market.
March 5, 2020
PeopleShare co-founder Ryan Clark on acquisitions, lessons learned
When PeopleShare, through organic growth, hit a comfortable revenue number, CEO Ryan Clark began to wonder how big the staffing firm could get. That’s when acquisition, and a private equity recapitalization, became real and viable options.
February 6, 2020
Richard Weaver on choosing the right recapitalization partner
AB Bernstein's Richard L.N. Weaver offers his perspective on what business owners should consider when pursuing recapitalization, including the importance of defining goals and choosing the right private equity partner.
January 17, 2020
Michael Mufson on determining value, finding investors in recapitalization
Recaps, a liquidity play, represent an estimated 75 percent of the private equity transactions taking place in the market today. Michael Mufson offers a closer look at recapitalization so owners can better understand the process.
October 31, 2019
Dr. Ellen Stang unlocks growth with a little PE help
Progeny Health, founded by Dr. Ellen Stang, has been profitable and debt-free since the beginning. But when her business hit a wall about eight years in, some friendly advice helped her unlock the company's growth.
October 24, 2019
Denise Devine’s tips and traps for capital-raising entrepreneurs
RTM Vital Signs' co-founder Denise Devine explores the stages of capital raising and what entrepreneurs should look for, and look out for, at each.
September 13, 2019
John McInerney On Finding The Right Deal Partners
M&A veteran John McInerney talks about his experience selling Keystone Printed Specialties and what it taught him about the value of good advisors.
August 30, 2019
MBF Therapeutics’ Tom Tillett On Raising Capital And Keeping Control
The animal health biotech company's founder and CEO talks about raising capital to fuel your organization’s growth and how to plan to pay back your investors. Here are some of the lessons he shared.