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November 7, 2024
M&A and Non-Competes: Now What?
By Adam Burroughs
Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld partners Matt Brinker and Alex Nassar break down the trends and offer advice on how M&A professionals can prepare and structure deals in the current environment.
October 10, 2024
State of M&A in the Middle Market
Bank of America’s Jim Dever and Fritz Franz, Archetype Solutions Chetan Bagga, PeopleShare’s Ryan Clark and SeventySix Capital’s Chad Stender share their experiences operating in this market and discuss what it takes to get M&A deals done in today’s environment.
March 7, 2024
AI Trends for the Progressive CEO: Navigating the Transformative Landscape
Chief Outsiders' Ed Valdez and Angus Robertson rank the eight most important factors in the AI scene to pay attention to right now.
September 9, 2021
Financial Materiality Of ESG
The 2021 Philadelphia Smart Business Dealmakers Conference opens with a discussion of ESG issues and how they might play out in the M&A market.
October 23, 2020
Managing Through Uncertainty
Two primary issues have made things difficult for businesses this year. What both have in common is that each has introduced a lot of uncertainty for dealmakers.
September 4, 2020
Xelerate’s Emily Biscardi says listen to the market
Emily Biscardi, founder and CEO of Xelerate, on how entrepreneurs are innovating not only to leverage talent but also to leverage their competitive advantages.
January 3, 2020
2020 shaping up to be a great deal year, with some caveats
Following 2019's strong dealmaking year, the expectation is an even stronger M&A market in 2020. However, as Griffin Financial Group’s John Lee notes, there may be uncertainties ahead that could prove disruptive.