John Erkert
John Erkert
CEO North America
PiovanGroup North America
John is responsible for PiovanGroup’s North America Region. John has been a leader of group companies for more than twenty-nine years. He has served as CFO of Rapid Granulator, IPEG Group, and PiovanGroup North America and was COO before being promoted to CEO of the North America Region.
Before coming to the group, John spent nine years as a CPA with KPMG and one year with RSM. John received his BS in Business Administration and Accountancy from MacMurray College and his MBA from Northern Illinois University. John was also an adjunct Assistant Professor in the MBA program at Rockford University. John is a CEPA, CSCA, CM&AA, CM&AI, CGMA, CMA, and CPA and sits on several company’s fiduciary Board of Directors.